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Monday, November 4, 2013

Green Tea And Weight Loss

Green tea, know for its antioxidant properties, has been receiving a lot of attention as a weight loss agent. Studies found that with the addition of green tea, the oxidation, i.e. burning, of fat increases. Even though caffeine is found in green tea and is a well know aide in increasing fat burning, the study found that participants experienced oxidation of fat beyond which could be attributed to caffeine alone.

This synergistic effect is attributed to the caffeine and polyphenols found in the green tea. Polyphenols have antioxidant characteristics and may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

In addition, the researchers also found that components in the tea also increased metabolism. An increased metabolism means that your body produces more heat and as a result more calories are burned. This thermogenic effect of green tea provides yet another means to increase weight loss.

Another important finding in the study has to do with heart rate. Typically stimulants are used to increase fat burning and as a result increases your heart rate. Researchers in the study found that participants did not experience an increase in their heart rate. This suggest that green tea could be an alternative to stimulant based weight loss products.

Much of the green tea consumed is in the form of tea. However, to enjoy the benefits of weight loss, higher concentrations of the tea needs to be taken. In the study, green tea extract was used. Therefore, if you're considering using green tea as a diet aide, it's best to supplement with pills.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Home Gym - A Budget Solution For Weight Loss

Can't afford gym membership for weight loss? Here's the solution: get a home gym. There's no traveling, and you can exercise whenever you have a spare moment.

Other members of the family can use the home gym too, and this brings the cost down even more.

Firstly, decide what you want to achieve with your home gym. Do you primarily want to lose weight, or do you want to develop a great body? Of course, you may want to do both.

Let's look at items you may want to include in your home gym.

1. Dumbbells - Start out Light, and Increase the Weight Slowly

Dumbbells come in many different weights. When you're starting out, choose a low weight set. These may be all you need for weight loss. As your strength increases, just increase your repetitions.

Tip: ensure that you get instructions on using your dumbbells. Remember, exercise slowly and mindfully -- keep your mind on what you're doing to avoid injury.

2. A Cardio Machine for Weight Loss

Your dumbbells will increase your muscle mass (more muscles burn more fat) and so will a cardio machine. Elliptical cross trainers are a good choice for cardio machines. They're easy to use, and because they place little stress on your joints, are a good choice for anyone who's overweight.

A stationery bike is also a good choice. As with the elliptical trainer, the bike puts little stress on your joints, so you can avoid injury as you lose weight.

3. A Fitness Ball for Stretching Exercises

A fitness ball is a great addition to any home gym. They're inexpensive, and allow you to target specific muscle groups. You can use your ball for crunches to eliminate belly fat.

Most balls come with a workout DVD, so that you get used to the ball, and can use it safely.

Additional Tips for Weight Loss With Your Home Gym

* Start your exercise routine slowly. Initially, spend just five minutes with each piece of equipment. This is long enough when you're just starting out.

* On busy days, choose just one piece of equipment, and exercise for ten minutes. It takes time to build strength. Keep your workouts short and fun.

* As you get used to the equipment, devise your own routines. Create at least three different routines, so you don't get bored.

A home gym is an excellent budget solution for weight loss: choose your equipment and get started today.

Weight Loss, Dotti's Way

If you are struggling to lose weight and have tried just about every diet plan and exercise regime on the planet but just keep failing perhaps you should talk to Dotti. No, Dotti isn't the latest weight loss program or newest gym chain to open. Dotti is a lady from St. Louis, Missouri who chronicled her struggles - and success - at losing weight online. You could say Botti had one of the very first blogs on the Internet, as she started writing about her journey to lose weight in 1998.

Since then she has helped countless thousands of others with weight loss. Through recipes, exercise advice and just personally sharing her story with thousands of others she has motivated people, like Dottie herself, felt that they just could not shed those extra pounds no matter how hard they tried.

Dotti made the Weight Watchers Winning Points meal system a central point of her entire weight loss regime that helped her dramatically change her life. From the beginning, Dotti focused on simple weight loss techniques combined with the Points system to drop the weight and keep it off. In her online journals and various books she has published online about her journey she explains to the reader some of her struggles with weight loss and helps the reader relate to some of their own challenges they are having with weight issues.

What makes Dotti's weight loss story and website stand above the thousands of other sites out there about weight loss is that she doesn't try to push you into buying a specialized program or give you unrealistic goals. She explains the simple truth about weight loss and guides the reader down how she did it. There are no quick-fix weight loss plans at Dotti's, just simple advice that can help you change your life and become the person you always wanted to be.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Green Tea For Weight Loss - How This Tea Helps Your Body in Losing Weight & Getting Healthy

For some time now, green tea has been used in Asian cultures as more of a medicinal supplement than a beverage. It has gained so much attention over the years and has been made a popular option for people who want to shed a couple pounds here and there as well as to get into shape.

It has been proven to help shed weight by helping the body burn calories. Through a process called thermogenesis, green tea promotes heat in body organs, and this can burn small amounts of calories. The more frequent you drink it, the more calories you can burn. Avid green tea fans, who swear that the beverage has helped them conquer weight issues, suggest drinking up to 5 cups every day.

Green tea has also been known to boost metabolism. Metabolism is one of the best signs of good health and has a profound effect on weight loss. Metabolism is concerned with how the body converts calories from food into energy and stores excess calories as fat. Research has proven that drinking it can raise energy expenditure which translates to up to 4% increase in metabolism.

Green tea is also known to have generous amounts of antioxidants that help the body detoxify. This makes the flushing out of waste materials in the body more efficient, leading to a better figure and a healthier body. The antioxidants also increase the functionality of organs which also speed up metabolism. Consider it as a high-performance oil that lubricates all of your body organs, making them perform a lot better.

Green tea is even known to suppress appetite which helps keep people from over eating. This ensures that the person's body only takes in what it needs and wouldn't have to store any excess calories as fat.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Best Weight Loss Supplements

In the United States it is estimated that 50 percent of the adult population is overweight and 25 percent of the adult population obese. This is because of consumption of unhealthy food, laziness, basic lack of physical activity and genetic disorders. One can get obese because of taking certain types of prescribed drugs for treating diseases.

There are many ways of losing weight and some of the ways are surgery, liposuction, exercises, diet programs and weight loss supplements. Out of these having the best weight loss supplements coupled with a weight loss program is the most popular method of losing weight.

The best weight loss supplements work by either decreasing appetite or by decreasing the break down of fats in the digestive system. However, these weight loss supplements have additional nutrients. Some of the best weight loss supplements available include Conjugate Linoleic Acid (popularly known as CLA), White Kidney Bean Extract and Kelp.

The best weight loss supplements actually balance the required nutrients in the body. They do not have any great effect in reducing the weight. If the weight loss supplements are taken along with weight loss diet pills, exercises and a proper and balanced diet, you can be sure that you will significantly lose weight.

Make sure that you research the best weight loss supplements before taking them. You would need to find a weight loss supplement that is suited your needs and requirements. This choice can be confusing as there are many weight loss supplements in the weight loss market. However, an expert can advice you on the right type of weight loss supplement.

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Fastest Way to Lose Weight - The Truth About Rapid Weight Loss

How fast can you lose weight? That is the big question among all the millions of overweight men and women. Here we will take a look at to some of the fastest ways to lose weight and altogether try to find out whether rapid weight loss is actually possible or not.

Fast Weight Loss - for Whom Is It Possible?

If you got fat real fast, it is very likely that you will be able to get rid of that fat very quickly too. Then on the other hand, if you have gotten to be overweight slowly during the years, it is a lot more difficult for you to lose weight fast. Although in the second case it may take a bit more time to get fit, it still can be done in relatively short period of time.

Then What Is the Fastest Way for You to Lose Weight?

You see all kinds of "rapid weight loss products" out there on the markets, but will they launch you into the path of getting a fit and healthy body? Not really, in my experience you should try and stay away from all the fat loss products, because the fact is that they do not really work and ultimately are nothing but big waste of money.

Let me tell you something, it is all about YOU! The fastest way for you start losing weight is that you make that big decision of committing yourself to a healthier life TODAY.

Losing weight fast isn't all that difficult after you have decided to go through with it. The most important thing is what you eat. You must eat healthy most of the time, but if it is very difficult for you, take a day off once in a while. You also do not need to run 10 miles every day, all you need is some aerobic and anaerobic workout few times a week. Honestly, losing weight is a lot easier than most people believe it to be, you just need to make that decision!

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